C# Tips and Tricks #2 – How to Get the Description Attribute Value of Enum in C# ?

There are times when you want to get the attributes of the enum values from your C# code for some display purpose .

For example , consider the below enum Named “EmployeeDesignation”.

public enum EmployeeDesignation

You might want to display the enum value with out space for display purposes. You can achieve it by adding the description attribute as shown below.

public enum EmployeeDesignation
    [Description("Technical Lead")]
    [Description("Solution Architect")]
    [Description("Senior Software Engineer")]

To display the values on the UI , now we can use the values available in the description attribute rather than the enum value itself.

How to Get the Description Attribute of Enum in C# ?

Below is a code snippet on how to get the value present in the description attribute and display in the console.

How to Get the Description Attribute Value of Enum in C# ?

var enumType = typeof(EmployeeDesignation);
var memberData = enumType.GetMember(EmployeeDesignation.SolutionArchitect.ToString());
var Description = (memberData[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute),
    false).FirstOrDefault() as DescriptionAttribute).Description;


Below is the complete code snippet that was used for the demo.

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;

namespace DeveloperPublishApp
    class Program
        public enum EmployeeDesignation
            [Description("Technical Lead")]
            [Description("Solution Architect")]
            [Description("Senior Software Engineer")]
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var enumType = typeof(EmployeeDesignation);
            var memberData = enumType.GetMember(EmployeeDesignation.SolutionArchitect.ToString());
            var Description = (memberData[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute),
                false).FirstOrDefault() as DescriptionAttribute).Description;


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