HomeDelphiDelphi Error – W1037 FOR-Loop variable ‘%s’ may be undefined after loop

Delphi Error – W1037 FOR-Loop variable ‘%s’ may be undefined after loop

Delphi Compiler Error

W1037 FOR-Loop variable ‘%s’ may be undefined after loop

Reason for the Error & Solution

This warning is issued if the value of a for loop control variable is used after the loop.

You can only rely on the final value of a for loop control variable if the loop is left with a goto or exit statement.

The purpose of this restriction is to enable the compiler to generate efficient code for the for loop.

program Produce;
function Test1: Integer;
  I: Byte;
  Result := 0;
  for I := 0 to 255 do
  WriteLn(I); // undefined

In the example, the control variable is used implicitly after the loop, so that it may be undefined – hence the warning.


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