HomeDelphiDelphi Error – H2596 ‘%s’

Delphi Error – H2596 ‘%s’

Delphi Compiler Error

H2596 ‘%s’

Reason for the Error & Solution

You get this hint if the external linker emits an error.

This hint provides the list of arguments passed to the linker, so that you can identify which arguments are wrong.

If you get this error while you build an application for , in addition to the linker parameters check the following:

  • You must ensure that the that you have is configured with the right arm-linux-androideabi-ld.exe location path.
    You can review and edit your Android SDK properties from the .
  • If you are using an configured to use a version of the Android development tools that is not the same version that RAD Studio provides when you install Android support, either during the or , you might be using an unsupported version of the arm-linux-androideabi-ld.exe linker.

See Also


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