HomeDelphiDelphi Error – E2095 Missing ENDIF directive

Delphi Error – E2095 Missing ENDIF directive

Delphi Compiler Error

E2095 Missing ENDIF directive

Reason for the Error & Solution

This error message is issued if the compiler does not find a corresponding $ENDIF directive after an $IFDEF, $IFNDEF or $IFOPT directive.

program Produce;
(*$IfOpt O+*)
  Writeln('Compiled with optimizations');
  Writeln('Compiled without optimizations');
end.                                           (*<-- Error message here*)

In this example, we left out the $ character in the (*$Endif*) directive, so the compiler mistook it for a comment.

program Solve;
(*$IfOpt O+*)
  Writeln('Compiled with optimizations');
  Writeln('Compiled without optimizations');

The solution is to make sure all the conditional directives have a valid $ENDIF directive.


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