HomeDB2DB2 Error Code – -817 the insert, update, delete, ddl, or authorization statement cannot be executed because the ims/vs transaction is inquiry only

DB2 Error Code – -817 the insert, update, delete, ddl, or authorization statement cannot be executed because the ims/vs transaction is inquiry only

In this post, you’ll learn about the error message -817 the insert, update, delete, ddl, or authorization statement cannot be executed because the ims/vs transaction is inquiry only in the IBM DB2 database , the reason why it occurs along with the solution to fix it

IBM DB2 Error Message

-817 the insert, update, delete, ddl, or authorization statement cannot be executed because the ims/vs transaction is inquiry only

Reason for the Error

One of the following situations has occurred: 1.� An application which makes local SQL queries is running as an inquiry only transaction but has attempted to execute an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE data definition (CREATE, ALTER, or DROP), or authorization (GRANT or REVOKE) statement.� Such statements result in updates to the user data or the subsystem catalog, and cannot be executed by an application running as an inquiry only transaction. 2.� An application which does remote unit of work SQL queries has attempted to execute an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE data definition(CREATE, ALTER, or DROP), or authorization (GRANT or REVOKE) statement.� Such statements result in updates to the user data or the subsystem catalog, and cannot be executed by an application doing remote unit of work queries.


If the application is doing local SQL queries, see your IMS/VS system programmer about changing the inquiry only status of the transaction under which your application is running.


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