HomeDB2DB2 Error Code – -805 program name location name.collection id.program name.consistency token not found in plan plan name

DB2 Error Code – -805 program name location name.collection id.program name.consistency token not found in plan plan name

In this post, you’ll learn about the error message -805 program name location name.collection id.program name.consistency token not found in plan plan name in the IBM DB2 database , the reason why it occurs along with the solution to fix it

IBM DB2 Error Message

-805 program name location name.collection id.program name.consistency token not found in plan plan name

Reason for the Error

DBRM or package not found in plan

An attempt was made to execute the application program ‘location name.collection id.program name.consistency token’ (this token can be ‘location name..program name.consistency token’ if the current package set special register is blank for the local program execution) that has not been found due to one or more or the following reasons: *��� The program ‘program name’ has not been bound as the member part of the application plan ‘plan name’ or *��� The ‘collection id’ in the PKLIST was not correct when the application plan ‘plan name’ was bound or *��� The current package set special register was not set correctly or *��� The ‘location name’ in the CURRENTSERVER was not correct when the application plan ‘plan name’ was bound, or *��� The application was not connected to the proper location or *��� The location id in the package list was not correct when the application ‘plan name’ was bound or� *��� The DBRM of the version of the application program being executed was not bound.


Is plan name correct?

Ensure COLLECTION name is in DB2 PLAN. Recompile and BIND the DB2 program. Verify correct LOAD library is being used.

Based on the reasons, the programmer can perform the following operations to correct the error. *��� Bind the program ‘program name’ as the member part of the application plan ‘plan name’ or *� Correct the collection id in the PKLIST and bind the application plan ‘plan name’� or *��� Set the current package set special register correctly or *��� Put the correct ‘location name’ in the CURRENTSERVER of the BIND command and bind the application plan ‘plan name’ or *��� Connect to the correct RDB name or *��� Correct the location id in the PKLIST and bind the application plan ‘plan name’ or� *��� Bind the DBRM of the version of the application program to be executed


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