HomeDB2DB2 Error Code – -406 a calculated or derived numeric value is not within the range of its object column

DB2 Error Code – -406 a calculated or derived numeric value is not within the range of its object column

In this post, you’ll learn about the error message -406 a calculated or derived numeric value is not within the range of its object column in the IBM DB2 database , the reason why it occurs along with the solution to fix it

IBM DB2 Error Message

-406 a calculated or derived numeric value is not within the range of its object column

Reason for the Error

A value derived or calculated during processing of the SQL statement was outside the range of the data type of its object column. This problem might have arisen because either the values occurring in the object column were out of range, or the SQL operation performed was not appropriate for the values in the object column.


See the explanation of SQLCODE -405 for allowed ranges for numeric data types.


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