HomeDB2DB2 Error Code – -305 the null value cannot be assigned to output host variable number position-number because no indicator variable is specified

DB2 Error Code – -305 the null value cannot be assigned to output host variable number position-number because no indicator variable is specified

In this post, you’ll learn about the error message -305 the null value cannot be assigned to output host variable number position-number because no indicator variable is specified in the IBM DB2 database , the reason why it occurs along with the solution to fix it

IBM DB2 Error Message

-305 the null value cannot be assigned to output host variable number position-number because no indicator variable is specified

Reason for the Error

A FETCH or embedded SELECT operation resulted in the retrieval of a null value to be inserted into the output host variable, designated by entry number ‘position-number’ of the output SQLDA, for which no indicator variable was provided.� An indicator variable must be supplied if a column returns a null value.


Examine the definition of the table that is the object of the FETCH or SELECT, and correct the application program to provide indicator variables for all host variables into which null values can be retrieved.� This includes host variables for columns which can contain null values and host variables which receive the results of column functions whose result table could be empty.


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