HomeDB2DB2 Error Code – -186 the local date length or local time length has been increased and executing program relies on the old length

DB2 Error Code – -186 the local date length or local time length has been increased and executing program relies on the old length

In this post, you’ll learn about the error message -186 the local date length or local time length has been increased and executing program relies on the old length in the IBM DB2 database , the reason why it occurs along with the solution to fix it

IBM DB2 Error Message

-186 the local date length or local time length has been increased and executing program relies on the old length

Reason for the Error

The local format option has been used with a datetime value and DB2 has discovered that the datetime exit routine has been changed to produce a longer local format.


If the statement receiving this error is embedded in the application program, then a REBIND command must be issued for the application plan.� If the statement was dynamic SQL, then the statement may be re-entered.


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