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Do you want to try iPad on Windows 7 ? , Hereโ€™s an standalone program / Simulator called iPadian for...
The Context menu is part of the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone controls which can be downloaded from the codeplex...
A newbie would definitely wonder what is Observable Collection in Windows Phone 7 . Hereโ€™s a simple scenario which demonstrates...
You can easily share the link from your Windows Phone App using the ShareLinkTask Launcher . You could share link...
If you noticed the DatePicker control when it is run , you might see the Missing Icons in the ApplicationBar...
The DatePicker is a control that is part of the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone . The DatePicker control includes...
In one of my previous blog post , I shared a sample sourecode that binds List of String as ItemSOurce...
You can use the โ€œSearch Taskโ€ Launcher to launch the web serach App and perform search of the keyword ....
You can access the Cellular Settings of the Windows Phone from your App by using the Launcher โ€œConnectionSettingsTaskโ€ . The...
Hereโ€™s a sample code that i was trying for databinding the AutoCompleteBox in Windows Phone 7 . Whatโ€™s wrong with...
The AutoCompleteBox in Silverlight ToolKit for Windows Phone lets you perform the custom logic to display the list of Suggestions...
Airplane mode is a feature in Windows Phone that lets the user to easily turn off the cellular , Wi-Fi...
You can change this behaviour slightly such that the first possible suggested word / sentence is filled in the AutoCompleteBox...
The AutoCompleteBox that is part of Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone by default shows the suggestions when you type one...
Auto Complete Box is one of the controls that is a part of the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone ....
During the Binding of the Data to the ListBox , it is only possible to bind the public properties to...
If you wish to drag and drop the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone to the Windows Phone App , you...
What is Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone ? Silverlight toolkit for Windows Phone is a opensource framework which provides additional...
An Windows Phone Application might need to store and access data . One of the ways to store the data...
In one of my previous post , i explained about the the Databinding the ListBox in Windows Phone 7 that...

