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Showing 161 - 180 of 18645 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-12100: materialized view log on โ€œstringโ€.โ€stringโ€ already has sequence Reason for the Error Materialized view log on...
Oracle Error Message ORA-19016: attributes cannot occur after element specifications Reason for the Error Attributes specified using the โ€œ@โ€ identifier...
Oracle Error Message ORA-13047: unable to determine ordinate count from table _SDOLAYER Reason for the Error An SDO_GEOM function was...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-05622: password file location could not be found for the auxiliary database Reason for the Error The...
Oracle Error Message PLS-00168: duplicate modifier specification โ€˜stringโ€™ Reason for the Error A method or object type modifier was specified...
Oracle Error Message ORA-28182: cannot acquire Kerberos service ticket for client Reason for the Error An attempt to use a...
Oracle Error Message ORA-30450: refresh_after_errors was TRUE; The following MVs could not be refreshed: string Reason for the Error One...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16273: invalid value for APPLY_SERVERS parameter Reason for the Error attempt to set APPLY_SERVERS parameter to zero...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-08602: channel string: no AUTOBACKUPS found in ASM disk group string Reason for the Error The specified...
Oracle Error Message ORA-55340: rules index does not exist for the specified model-rulebase combination Reason for the Error A rules...
Oracle Error Message ORA-07636: smsdbp: $MGBLSC failure Reason for the Error While attempting to set protection in the database buffer...
Oracle Error Message SQL*Loader-00280: table string is a temporary table Reason for the Error The sqlldr utility does not load...
Oracle Error Message ORA-13114: [string]_NODE$ table does not exist Reason for the Error The NODE$ table for the topology did...
Oracle Error Message ORA-23359: error on creating a ddl record for a repcatlog record Reason for the Error The userid...
Oracle Error Message ORA-22916: cannot do an exact FETCH on a query with Nested cursors Reason for the Error Exact...
Oracle Error Message ORA-28505: cannot get non-Oracle system capabilities from string Reason for the Error ORACLE was unable to retrieve...
Oracle Error Message ORA-07801: slbtpd: invalid exponent Reason for the Error An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was...
Oracle Error Message ORA-37031: (XSMLTMAINT02) You cannot DELETE values of dimension workspace object in MULTI mode. Reason for the Error...
Oracle Error Message ORA-36884: (XSSRF03) The value of the first parameter of the AW single row function is incorrect. Reason...
Oracle Error Message ORA-30735: cannot create multiple subtables of the same type under a supertable Reason for the Error An...