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Showing 6141 - 6160 of 18645 results
Oracle Error Message EXP-00080: Data in table โ€œstringโ€ is protected. Using conventional mode. Reason for the Error User without the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-48204: Illegal Identifier Length [string] [string] [string] Reason for the Error The input identifier is too long....
Oracle Error Message QSM-00777: the specified directive string is unsupported at this time Reason for the Error The user attempted...
Oracle Error Message ORA-10243: simulated error for test string of K2GTAB latch cleanup Reason for the Error levels 1..6 for...
Oracle Error Message KUP-05005: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because a field of type RECNUM exists. Reason for the Error...
Oracle Error Message NZE-29048: Unexpected message received. Reason for the Error An unexpected message has been received. Solution Enable tracing...
Oracle Error Message ORA-29807: specified operator does not exist Reason for the Error The operator which has been specified does...
Oracle Error Message ORA-42034: cannot online redefine table โ€œstringโ€.โ€stringโ€ which was a CDC table Reason for the Error An attempt...
Oracle Error Message SQL*Loader-00304: Illegal combination of non-alphanumeric characters Reason for the Error The SQL*Loader control file contains a combination...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24165: invalid rule engine object privilege: string Reason for the Error no such object privilege number for...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-06935: Convert script name too long Reason for the Error The specified convert script name exceeded the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-01277: file โ€˜stringโ€™ already exists Reason for the Error An ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE AS...
Oracle Error Message ORA-25020: renaming system triggers is not allowed Reason for the Error renaming system triggers is not allowed...
Oracle Error Message ORA-36768: (XSAGGCNTMOVE06) An aggregation variable and its AGGCOUNT must have the same base dimensions. Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-31540: string is not a valid identifier Reason for the Error All Change Data Capture (CDC) identifiers...
Oracle Error Message ORA-04050: invalid or missing procedure, function, or package name Reason for the Error The required procedure, function,...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16311: materialized view log already exists Reason for the Error A call was made to DBMS_LOGSTDBY.EDS_ADD_TABLE for...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02250: missing or invalid constraint name Reason for the Error The constraint name is missing or invalid....
Oracle Error Message ORA-29499: chunk not found Reason for the Error The specified chunk did not exist. Solution Specify an...
Oracle Error Message ORA-41698: invalid use of โ€œstringโ€ attribute in aggregate predicate Reason for the Error An attempt was made...