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Showing 6081 - 6100 of 18645 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-19334: Invalid column specification for CREATE_DBURI operator Reason for the Error All columns must be valid and...
Oracle Error Message ORA-31112: fail to string for string port using xdb configuration Reason for the Error port number for...
Oracle Error Message ORA-39222: Unable to create global temporary master table string Reason for the Error Data Pump tried to...
Oracle Error Message ORA-44709: Invalid schema definition for translated element Reason for the Error The schema definition for a translated...
Oracle Error Message QSM-01082: Joining materialized view, string, with table, string, not possible Reason for the Error A column in...
Oracle Error Message ORA-39818: index string.string partition string was ignored due to: Reason for the Error Index was unusable at...
Oracle Error Message ORA-09274: szrfc: insufficient role name buffer space Reason for the Error An OS role name was too...
Oracle Error Message SQL*Loader-00915: Error closing cursor: [number] Reason for the Error Header message. Solution CCheck the message below this...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16732: error executing DBMS_LOGSTDBY.SKIP procedure Reason for the Error Logical standby database package may not be installed....
Oracle Error Message ORA-36806: (XSTBLFUNC03) The OLAP_TABLE function refers to an invalid ADT attribute: string. Reason for the Error The...
Oracle Error Message ORA-46075: Already attached to a lightweight user session Reason for the Error The current database session is...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00046: no value found for parameter โ€œstringโ€. Reason for the Error A value was not specified for...
Oracle Error Message DIA-48343: invalid field [string] reference in string clause Reason for the Error the specified field in the...
Oracle Error Message KUP-04037: terminator not found Reason for the Error The terminator for the field is missing. Solution Verify...
Oracle Error Message ORA-19655: cannot switch to incarnation with different RESETLOGS data Reason for the Error This SWITCHTOCOPY operation is...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16127: stalled waiting for additional transactions to be applied Reason for the Error This process is waiting...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24066: invalid privilege specified Reason for the Error An invalid privilege is specified for granting or revoking...
Oracle Error Message ORA-13349: polygon boundary crosses itself Reason for the Error The boundary of a polygon intersects itself. Solution...
Oracle Error Message ORA-27513: parameter string contains invalid value string Reason for the Error The program could not identify the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-34296: (MXDCL36) A NUMBER dimension must be defined with a fixed precision and scale, using the form...