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Oracle Error Message KUP-03006: error initializing handle for character set string Reason for the Error Error attempting to retrieve information...
Oracle Error Message RDJ-00063: invalid time-to-live: Reason for the Error A non-numeric value was specified for the time to live....
Oracle Error Message ORA-28132: The MERGE INTO syntax does not support the security policy. Reason for the Error The MERGE...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02007: canโ€™t use ALLOCATE or DEALLOCATE options with REBUILD Reason for the Error Allocate or deallocate storage...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16015: Log string sequence# string was not archived. Reason for the Error An attempt was made to...
Oracle Error Message ORA-19861: additional backup pieces cannot be validated in this conversation Reason for the Error The user tried...
Oracle Error Message ORA-53019: cannot delete installation document: string Reason for the Error The document could not be deleted because...
Oracle Error Message ORA-08264: ora_addr: cannot close nameserver Reason for the Error The connection to the nameserver could not be...
Oracle Error Message ORA-28075: The policy expression has unsupported functions. Reason for the Error The EXPRESSION parameter had unsupported functions....
Oracle Error Message ORA-16159: Cannot change protected standby destination attributes Reason for the Error An attempt was made to change...
Oracle Error Message ORA-36167: (XSAGGRFORM) workspace object is an illegal AGGMAP for aggregating a FORMULA. Reason for the Error The...
Oracle Error Message ORA-19611: backup piece out of order. Expected string but found string Reason for the Error This backup...
Oracle Error Message ORA-32008: error while processing parameter update at instance string Reason for the Error An error occured while...
Oracle Error Message ORA-53005: tag references found in document: string Reason for the Error The delete operation failed because some...
Oracle Error Message ORA-13226: interface not supported without a spatial index Reason for the Error The geometry table does not...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16625: cannot reach database โ€œstringโ€ Reason for the Error The command could not be executed because the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24320: unable to initialize a mutex Reason for the Error An attempt to initialize a mutex failed....
Oracle Error Message ORA-09711: orasrv: archmon already connected. Reason for the Error An existing connection has already been made from...
Oracle Error Message ORA-28177: incorrect Kerberos ticket version Reason for the Error the version of Kerberos ticket provided by the...