HomeCSharpC# Error CS1728 – Cannot bind delegate to ‘{0}’ because it is a member of ‘System.Nullable‘

C# Error CS1728 – Cannot bind delegate to ‘{0}’ because it is a member of ‘System.Nullable‘

C# Error

CS1728 – Cannot bind delegate to ‘{0}’ because it is a member of ‘System.Nullable‘

Reason for the Error & Solution

Cannot bind delegate to ‘member’ because it is a member of ‘type’

You cannot bind delegates to members of Nullable value types.


The following sample generates CS1728:

// CS1728.cs  
class Test  
   delegate T GetT<T>();  
   delegate T GetT1<T>(T t);  
   delegate bool E(object o);  
   delegate int I();  
   delegate string S();  
   static void Main()  
      int? x = null;  
      int? y = 5;  
      GetT<int> d1 = x.GetValueOrDefault;   // CS1728  
      GetT<int> d2 = y.GetValueOrDefault;   // CS1728  
      GetT1<int> d3 = x.GetValueOrDefault;   // CS1728  
      GetT1<int> d4 = y.GetValueOrDefault;   // CS1728  

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