HomeCSharpC# Error CS0729 – Type ‘{0}’ is defined in this assembly, but a type forwarder is specified for it

C# Error CS0729 – Type ‘{0}’ is defined in this assembly, but a type forwarder is specified for it

C# Error

CS0729 – Type ‘{0}’ is defined in this assembly, but a type forwarder is specified for it

Reason for the Error & Solution

Type ‘type’ is defined in this assembly, but a type forwarder is specified for it

You cannot use a type forwarder for a type defined in the same assembly.


The following sample generates CS0729.

// CS0729.cs  
// compile with: /target:library  
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;  
[assembly:TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TestClass))]   // CS0729  
class TestClass {}  

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