C# Error CS0431 – Cannot use alias ‘identifier’ with ‘::’ since the alias references a type. Use ‘.’ instead

C# Compiler Error

CS0431 – Cannot use alias ‘identifier’ with ‘::’ since the alias references a type. Use ‘.’ instead

Reason for the Error

You’ll get this error in your C# code when you have used :: with an alias while referencing a type.

For example, lets try to compile the below code snippet.

using System;
namespace DeveloperPublishNamespace
    using A = Class1;
    public class Class1
        public class Class2
            public static void Function1()
                Console.WriteLine("Inside Function1");

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

You’ll receive the error code CS0431 when you try to compile the above C# program because we have defined the alias “A” for the class Class1 the nested class’s Function1 is called using the alias A and the :: operator.

Error CS0431 Cannot use alias ‘A’ with ‘::’ since the alias references a type. Use ‘.’ instead. DeveloperPublish C:\Users\Senthil\source\repos\ConsoleApp4\ConsoleApp4\Program.cs 20 Active

C# Error CS0431 – Cannot use alias 'identifier' with '::' since the alias references a type. Use '.' instead


You can fix this error in your C# program by using the “.” operator instead of “::” operator as shown below.

using System;
namespace DeveloperPublishNamespace
    using A = Class1;
    public class Class1
        public class Class2
            public static void Function1()
                Console.WriteLine("Inside Function1");

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

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