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Oracle Error Message ORA-54532: incomplete composite surface Reason for the Error The end of composite surface was reached before all...
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “20712 An internal error occurred during the audit fixup phase...
  • December 3, 2024
Oracle Error Message ORA-37149: (XSCCOMP23) Individual partitions of the variable dimensiond by workspace object cannot be aggregated separately. Reason for...
In this post, you’ll learn about the Win32 Error “0x000032D1 – ERROR_IPSEC_TRANSPORT_FILTER_NOT_FOUND” that you get when debugging system erors in...
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “28085 – The activated task was ended because the associated...
Oracle Error Message PLS-00124: name of exception expected for first arg in exception_init pragma Reason for the Error The first...
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the Sybase Error User ‘%1’ already has GRANT OPTION and the reason...
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “10 – 13318” in Microsoft SQL Server, the reason why...
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “6554 – SQL assembly name ‘%.*ls’, and .NET Framework assembly...
In this post, you’ll learn about the error “REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG 0x80040154” that is returned when working with COM based APIs or...
MySQL Error Message Failed to initialize DD Storage Engine Reason for the Error ER_DD_SE_INIT_FAILED was added in 8.0.2.
Oracle Error Message QSM-01018: single table materialized join view rewrite not required Reason for the Error Materialized join view is...
In this post, you’ll learn about the error “CS_E_OBJECT_NOTFOUND 0x80040169” that is returned when working with COM based APIs or...
C# Error CS8403 – Method ‘{0}’ with an iterator block must be ‘async’ to return ‘{1}’ Reason for the Error...
In this post, you’ll learn about the Win32 Error “0x00000083 – ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK” that you get when debugging system erors in...
Oracle Error Message ORA-26785: Object has a NULL value Reason for the Error A method was invoked on a NULL...
MySQL Error Message Failed to set persisted options. Reason for the Error ER_FAILED_TO_SET_PERSISTED_OPTIONS was added in 8.0.4.
MySQL Error Message Update an exsiting ack in slot %u. Reason for the Error ER_SEMISYNC_UPDATE_EXISTING_SLAVE_ACK was added in 8.0.4, removed...
MySQL Error Message The directory for tablespace %s does not exist or is incorrect. Reason for the Error ER_IB_MSG_WRONG_TABLESPACE_DIR was...