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Adding ApplicationBar in Windows Phone 7 using Expression Blend

In one of my previous posts , i talked about Adding the Application Bar in Visual Studio . In this blog post , I will explain about adding the Application Bar in Expression Blend .

Expression Blend provides more Designer support while Adding the Application Bar when compared to Visual Studio .

Here are the steps to add the Application Bar in the Expression Blend .

  • Go to Microsoft Expression Blend for Windows Phone
  • Click on the new Project and select the template windows phone application in the Expression Blend and provide the project name and click on Ok
  • You might see that there is no precommented xaml code like the one that was generated while creating the project in Visual Studio 2010 .
  • Select the Phone ApplicationPage in the Objects and TimeLine
  • Check the Common Properties group from the Properties Tab . You can find it in the right side of the Window .
  • You should be able to find the ApplicationBar property as well as the New Button to create the ApplicationBar ( Missing in VS2010 ) . Click the new Button to add the ApplicationBar .
  • Now , the Common propeties groub will be expanded to show more properties for the ApplicationBar like Adding the Icon Buttons and MenuItems etc .
  • Click on the Button (…) on the Buttons Property to open the popup window to enter the Icon Buttons
  • Click on the Add another item Combo and select ApplicationBarIconButton and provide the IconUri and Text for the Icon Buttons . Note the Default icons that are available are displayed in the dropdown of the IconUri . You can find more of the icons from the SDK installation path : “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.0\Icons”
  • Similarly , You can add the MenuItem from the … Button next to the MenuItems(Collection) in the Common Properties . A popup window will show up when clicked on the Button  , enter the menu name etc … and Click Ok .
  • Now , run the project , you should be able to See the added ApplicationBar with the Menu item and the Icon Button .

Thats it , the xaml code is generated automatically as we added menu items in the designer .

Easy wasn’t it ??


    1 Comment

  1. Ekaterina
    February 17, 2014

    Can you help me? How can I change position of button in appbar? I mean that if I have three buttons, they should be aligned by left side, by center or by right side. How can I do it?
    Thank you.

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