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Showing 61 - 80 of 961 results
Boxing and unboxing are fundamental concepts in C# related to the manipulation of value types and reference types. Problem Statement...
In this example, we’ll explore a simple C# program to determine if a given number is even or odd, showcasing...
C# Error CS9050 – A ref field cannot refer to a ref struct. Reason for the Error & Solution A...
C# Error CS9043 – Ref returning properties cannot be required. Reason for the Error & Solution Ref returning properties cannot...
C# Error CS8812 – Cannot convert &method group ‘{0}’ to non-function pointer type ‘{1}’. Reason for the Error & Solution...
C# Error CS8803 – Top-level statements must precede namespace and type declarations. Reason for the Error & Solution Top-level statements...
C# Error CS8515 – Parentheses are required around the switch governing expression. Reason for the Error & Solution Parentheses are...
C# Error CS8411 – Asynchronous foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type ‘{0}’ because ‘{0}’ does not contain a...
C# Error CS8410 – ‘{0}’: type used in an asynchronous using statement must be implicitly convertible to ‘System.IAsyncDisposable’ or implement...
C# Error CS8403 – Method ‘{0}’ with an iterator block must be ‘async’ to return ‘{1}’ Reason for the Error...
C# Error CS8401 – To use ‘@$’ instead of ‘$@’ for an interpolated verbatim string, please use language version ‘{0}’...
C# Error CS8400 – Feature ‘{0}’ is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version {1} or greater. Reason...
C# Error CS8374 – Cannot ref-assign ‘{1}’ to ‘{0}’ because ‘{1}’ has a narrower escape scope than ‘{0}’. Reason for...
C# Error CS8373 – The left-hand side of a ref assignment must be a ref variable. Reason for the Error...
C# Error CS8354 – Cannot return ‘this’ by reference. Reason for the Error & Solution Cannot return ‘this’ by reference....
C# Error CS8334 – Members of {0} ‘{1}’ cannot be returned by writable reference because it is a readonly variable...
C# Error CS8333 – Cannot return {0} ‘{1}’ by writable reference because it is a readonly variable Reason for the...
C# Error CS8210 – A tuple may not contain a value of type ‘void’. Reason for the Error & Solution...
C# Error CS8178 – ‘await’ cannot be used in an expression containing a call to ‘{0}’ because it returns by...
C# Error CS8177 – Async methods cannot have by-reference locals Reason for the Error & Solution Async methods cannot have...

