Using PasswordBox for passwords in Windows Phone 7

If you are a c# Windows Application Developer and searching on the Textbox properties to set the password character in Windows Phone 7 form like me , then you are wrong .

The WP7 form has the PasswordBox for this purpose .

Using PasswordBox for passwords in Windows Phone 7

The PasswordBox displays the content and then allows the user to type in the content . The content that is typed appears for 1-2 second and is replaced with the PasswordChar that the user provides .

Although the InputScopeNameValue enumeration exists for password , it did not have any effect on the PasswordBox.

To display the text that is typed in PasswordBox use the property “Password” instead of again searching for Text property 🙂


  1. ramki
    June 20, 2011

    Is it possible to show the password itself instead of showing x chars, by setting a property based on some event?

  2. June 20, 2011

    Hi Ramky ,

    Why do you want to show the password in the passwordbox instead of x or * character ?

    Why dont you use the textbox ??

  3. ramki
    June 21, 2011

    thats not the answer, anyways, i found answer, thx.

  4. Stryker
    October 26, 2011

    how did you implement it?

  5. hfrmobile
    August 31, 2012

    Thanks a lot, just was searching …

    Btw, do you know the reason why System.Security.SecureString class is not on the Windows Phone?

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