Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone – Article #8 – RadHubTile

The RadHubTile control which is a part of the Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone suite brings the Windows Phone home screen experience to your App .

The hub tile or live tiles provides the tile behaviors like animations, update of data on tiles etc.

To add the RadHubTile to your Windows Phone Page, you can add the following XAML code to your Windows Phone page.

<telerikPrimitives:RadHubTile Height="211" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,26,0,0" Name="radHubTile1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="204" />

If you want to add the RadHubTile via code behind , you can create an instance of RadHubTile like the code below

RadHubTile tile1 = new RadHubTile();


You should also add the following namespace in your code behind file

using Telerik.Windows.Controls;

RadHubTile consists of some important components like

  • Title
  • ImageSource
  • Count
  • Message

You can set these properties from XAML or code behind

tile1.Title = "Hubtile sample";

tile1.Count = 25;

tile1.Message = "@isenthil";

The RadHubTile also has properties like Back Content, Visual Updates and lots of other features which i will explain in the coming posts

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