In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the Sybase Error Unable to open the multiplex database. The database can only be opened by starting the Coordinator server using single node mode switch ‘-iqmpx_sn 1’. %1 and the reason for receiving this error
Sybase SQL Error Message
Unable to open the multiplex database. The database can only be opened by starting the Coordinator server using single node mode switch ‘-iqmpx_sn 1’. %1
Reason for this Error
starting the server in single node mode. If you get this error after upgrading the database when the server was started using ‘-iqro 1’, then the database still needs to be opened by starting the coordinator server in single node mode but without ‘-iqro 1’. This is because the internal IQ on-disk structures could not be upgraded earlier. To complete the upgrade, open the database by starting the coordinator server using single node mode switch ‘-iqmpx_sn 1’, but without ‘-iqro 1’. After a clean shutdown, the database can then be started normally.