HomeSQL ServerSQL Server Error Msg 10343 – CREATE or ALTER ASSEMBLY for assembly ‘%.*ls’ with the SAFE or EXTERNAL_ACCESS option failed because the ‘clr strict security’ option of sp_configure is set to 1. Microsoft recommends that you sign the assembly with a certificate or asymmetric key that has a corresponding login with UNSAFE ASSEMBLY permission. Alternatively, you can trust the assembly using sp_add_trusted_assembly.

SQL Server Error Msg 10343 – CREATE or ALTER ASSEMBLY for assembly ‘%.*ls’ with the SAFE or EXTERNAL_ACCESS option failed because the ‘clr strict security’ option of sp_configure is set to 1. Microsoft recommends that you sign the assembly with a certificate or asymmetric key that has a corresponding login with UNSAFE ASSEMBLY permission. Alternatively, you can trust the assembly using sp_add_trusted_assembly.

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “10343 – CREATE or ALTER ASSEMBLY for assembly ‘%.*ls’ with the SAFE or EXTERNAL_ACCESS option failed because the ‘clr strict security’ option of sp_configure is set to 1. Microsoft recommends that you sign the assembly with a certificate or asymmetric key that has a corresponding login with UNSAFE ASSEMBLY permission. Alternatively, you can trust the assembly using sp_add_trusted_assembly.” in Microsoft SQL Server, the reason why it appears and the solution to fix it.

SQL Server Error Message

10343 – CREATE or ALTER ASSEMBLY for assembly ‘%.*ls’ with the SAFE or EXTERNAL_ACCESS option failed because the ‘clr strict security’ option of sp_configure is set to 1. Microsoft recommends that you sign the assembly with a certificate or asymmetric key that has a corresponding login with UNSAFE ASSEMBLY permission. Alternatively, you can trust the assembly using sp_add_trusted_assembly.

Reason for the Error

To be update soon…


To be update soon…

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