HomeSQL ServerSQL Server Error Messages 15001 to 16000

SQL Server Error Messages 15001 to 16000

In this post, we’ll list out the SQL Server Error Messages from the error codes 15001 to 16000 and references to the detailed post to know more about the errors and how to fix them when using SQL Server as database in your application.

SQL Server Error Messages 15001 to 16000

1500116Object ‘%ls’ does not exist or is not a valid object for this operation.
1500216The procedure ‘%s’ cannot be executed within a transaction.
1500316Only members of the %s role can execute this stored procedure.
1500416Name cannot be NULL.
1500510Statistics for all tables have been updated.
1500616‘%s’ is not a valid name because it contains invalid characters.
1500716‘%s’ is not a valid login or you do not have permission.
1500816User ‘%s’ does not exist in the current database.
1500916The object ‘%s’ does not exist in database ‘%s’ or is invalid for this operation.
1501016The database ‘%s’ does not exist. Supply a valid database name. To see available databases, use sys.databases.
1501116Database option ‘%s’ does not exist. Specify a valid database option.
1501216The device ‘%s’ does not exist. Use sys.backup_devices to show available devices.
1501310Table ‘%s’: No columns without statistics found.
1501416The role ‘%s’ does not exist in the current database.
1501516The server ‘%s’ does not exist. Use sp_helpserver to show available servers.
1501616The default ‘%s’ does not exist.
1501716The rule ‘%s’ does not exist.
1501810Table ‘%s’: Creating statistics for the following columns:
1501916The extended stored procedure ‘%s’ does not exist.
1502010Statistics have been created for the %d listed columns of the above tables.
1502116Invalid value given for parameter %s. Specify a valid parameter value.
1502216The specified user name is already aliased.
1502316User, group, or role ‘%s’ already exists in the current database.
1502516The server principal ‘%s’ already exists.
1502616Logical device ‘%s’ already exists.
1502816The server ‘%s’ already exists.
1503216The database ‘%s’ already exists. Specify a unique database name.
1503316‘%s’ is not a valid official language name.
1503416The application role password must not be NULL.
1503616The data type ‘%s’ does not exist or you do not have permission.
1504016User-defined error messages must have an ID greater than 50000.
1504116User-defined error messages must have a severity level between 1 and 25.
1504210The @with_log parameter is ignored for messages that are not us_english version.
1504316You must specify ‘REPLACE’ to overwrite an existing message.
1504416The type “%s” is an unknown backup device type. Use the type “disk” or “tape”.
1504516The logical name cannot be NULL.
1504616The physical name cannot be NULL.
1504810Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, %d, %d or %d.
1504911Cannot unbind from ‘%s’. Use ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT.
1505011Cannot bind default ‘%s’. The default must be created using the CREATE DEFAULT statement.
1505111Cannot rename the table because it is published for replication.
1505316Objects exist which are not owned by the database owner.
1505410The current compatibility level is %d.
1505610The suspect flag on the database “%s” is already reset.
1505716List of %s name contains spaces, which are not allowed.
1505816List of %s has too few names.
1505916List of %s has too many names.
1506016List of %s names contains name(s) which have ‘%s’ non-alphabetic characters.
1506116The add device request was denied. A physical device named “%s” already exists. Only one backup device may refer to any physical device name.
1506216The guest user cannot be mapped to a login name.
1506316The login already has an account under a different user name.
1506516All user IDs have been assigned.
1506616A default-name mapping of a remote login from remote server ‘%s’ already exists.
1506816A remote user ‘%s’ already exists for remote server ‘%s’.
1506916One or more users are using the database. The requested operation cannot be completed.
1507010Object ‘%s’ was successfully marked for recompilation.
1507116Usage: sp_addmessage <msgnum>,<severity>,<msgtext> [,<language> [,FALSE | TRUE [,REPLACE]]]
1507216Usage: sp_addremotelogin remoteserver [,loginname [,remotename]]
1507410Warning: You must recover this database prior to access.
1507616Default, table, and user data types must be in the current database.
1507716Rule, table, and user data type must be in the current database.
1507816The table or view must be in the current database.
1507910Queries processed: %d.
1508016Cannot use parameter %s for a Windows login.
1508116Membership of the public role cannot be changed.
1508316Physical data type ‘%s’ does not accept a collation
1508416The column or user data type must be in the current database.
1508516Usage: sp_addtype name, ‘data type’ [,’NULL’ | ‘NOT NULL’]
1509616Could not find object ‘%ls’ or you do not have required permission or the object is not valid for adding extended property.
1509716The size associated with an extended property cannot be more than 7,500 bytes.
1509816The name change cannot be performed because the SID of the new name does not match the old SID of the principal.
1509916The MUST_CHANGE option cannot be used when CHECK_EXPIRATION is OFF.
1510016Usage: sp_bindefault defaultname, objectname [, ‘futureonly’]
1510116Cannot bind a default to a computed column, a sparse column, or to a column of the following data types: timestamp, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, or CLR type.
1510216Cannot bind a default to an identity column.
1510316Cannot bind a default to a column created with or altered to have a default value.
1510416You do not own a table named ‘%s’ that has a column named ‘%s’.
1510616Usage: sp_bindrule rulename, objectname [, ‘futureonly’]
1510716Cannot bind a rule to a computed column, a sparse column, or to a column of the following data types: text, ntext, image, timestamp, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, or user-defined data type.
1510816sp_addtype cannot be used to define user-defined data types for varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) data types. Use CREATE TYPE for this purpose.
1510916Cannot change the owner of the master, model, tempdb or distribution database.
1511016The proposed new database owner is already a user or aliased in the database.
1511211The third parameter for table option ‘text in row’ is invalid. It should be ‘on’, ‘off’, ‘0’, ‘1’ or a number from 24 through 7000.
1511316Too many failed login attempts. This account has been temporarily locked as a precaution against password guessing. A system administrator can unlock this login with the UNLOCK clause of ALTER LOGIN.
1511416Password validation failed. The password for the user is too recent to change.
1511516Password validation failed. The password cannot be used at this time.
1511616Password validation failed. The password does not meet the operating system policy requirements because it is too short.
1511716Password validation failed. The password does not meet the operating system policy requirements because it is too long.
1511816Password validation failed. The password does not meet the operating system policy requirements because it is not complex enough.
1511916Password validation failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL.
1512016An unexpected error occurred during password validation.
1512116An error occurred during the execution of %ls. A call to ‘%ls’ failed with error code: ‘%d’.
1512216The CHECK_EXPIRATION option cannot be used when CHECK_POLICY is OFF.
1512316The configuration option ‘%s’ does not exist, or it may be an advanced option.
1512416The configuration option ‘%s’ is not unique.
1512516Trigger ‘%s’ is not a trigger for ‘%s’.
1512716Cannot set the default language to a language ID not defined in syslanguages.
1512816The CHECK_POLICY and CHECK_EXPIRATION options cannot be turned OFF when MUST_CHANGE is ON.
1512916‘%d’ is not a valid value for configuration option ‘%s’.
1513016There already exists a ‘%s’ trigger for ‘%s’.
1513116Usage: sp_dbremove <dbname> [,dropdev]
1513316INSTEAD OF trigger ‘%s’ cannot be associated with an order.
1513416No alias exists for the specified user.
1513516Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on ‘%s’, or the object does not exist.
1513616The database principal is set as the execution context of one or more procedures, functions, or event notifications and cannot be dropped.
1513716An error occurred during the execution of sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account. Possible reasons: the provided account was invalid or the ‘%.*ls’ credential could not be created. Error code: %ls, Error Status: %d.
1513816The database principal owns a %S_MSG in the database, and cannot be dropped.
1514116The server principal owns one or more %S_MSG(s) and cannot be dropped.
1514316‘%s’ is not a valid option for the @updateusage parameter. Enter either ‘true’ or ‘false’.
1514416The role has members. It must be empty before it can be dropped.
1514516An implicit %S_MSG creation has failed. Reason: The %S_MSG may have been dropped or its name may already be in use.
1514616An encryption password must be provided to encrypt the private key of this %S_MSG.
1514716No decryption password should be provided because the private key of this %S_MSG is encrypted by a master key.
1514816The data type or table column ‘%s’ does not exist or you do not have permission.
1514916Principal doesn’t exist or doesn’t have sufficient privileges.
1515016Cannot %S_MSG the %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’.
1515116Cannot %S_MSG the %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
1515216Cannot update user instances. Reason: %ls. Error code: 0x%x.
1515316The xp_cmdshell proxy account information cannot be retrieved or is invalid. Verify that the ‘%.*ls’ credential exists and contains valid information.
1515416The database principal owns an %S_MSG and cannot be dropped.
1515516The server principal owns a %S_MSG and cannot be dropped.
1515616The password that you specified is too long. The password should have no more than %d characters.
1515716Setuser failed because of one of the following reasons: the database principal ‘%.*ls’ does not exist, its corresponding server principal does not have server access, this type of database principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.
1515816Cannot initialize security.
1515916Maximum impersonation nesting level exceeded (limit %d)..
1516016Cannot issue impersonation token from non-primary impersonation context or for non-Windows user.
1516116Cannot set application role ‘%.*ls’ because it does not exist or the password is incorrect.
1516216Unexpected error while creating impersonation token.
1516316Invalid timeout value. Valid timeout is between 1 and 7200 sec.
1516416‘%.*ls’ is not a valid login or cannot be issued impersonation token.
1516516Could not find object ‘%ls’ or you do not have permission.
1516610Warning: User types created via sp_addtype are contained in dbo schema. The @owner parameter if specified is ignored.
1516716Cannot generate GUID.
1516816Cannot rename the view ‘%s’ and its columns and indexes because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes.
1516916The server option “%ls” is not available in this edition of SQL Server.
1517016This login is the owner of %ld job(s). You must delete or reassign these jobs before the login can be dropped.
1517116Cannot use the parameter “%s” for a certificate or asymmetric key login.
1517216FallBack certificate must be created or dropped in master database in single user mode.
1517316Server principal ‘%s’ has granted one or more permission(s). Revoke the permission(s) before dropping the server principal.
1517416Login ‘%s’ owns one or more database(s). Change the owner of the database(s) before dropping the login.
1517516Login ‘%s’ is aliased or mapped to a user in one or more database(s). Drop the user or alias before dropping the login.
1517616The only valid @parameter value is ‘WITH_LOG’.
1517716Usage: sp_dropmessage <msg number> [,<language> | ‘ALL’]
1517816Cannot drop a message with an ID less than 50,000.
1517916The message number %u or specified language version does not exist.
1518216Cannot disable access to the guest user in master or tempdb.
1518316The database principal owns objects in the database and cannot be dropped.
1518416The database principal owns data types in the database and cannot be dropped.
1518516There is no remote user ‘%s’ mapped to local user ‘%s’ from the remote server ‘%s’.
1518616The server principal is set as the execution context of a trigger or event notification and cannot be dropped.
1518710The %S_MSG cannot be dropped because it is used by one or more %S_MSG(s).
1518816Cannot create an index that does not include all security columns.
1518916Cannot have more than one security column for a table.
1519016There are still remote logins or linked logins for the server ‘%s’.
1519216Cannot alter or drop the security column of a table.
1519516The MUST_CHANGE option is not supported by this version of Microsoft Windows.
1519616The current security context is non-revertible. The “Revert” statement failed.
1519716There is no text for object ‘%s’.
1519816The name supplied (%s) is not a user, role, or aliased login.
1519916The current security context cannot be reverted. Please switch to the original database where ‘%ls’ was called and try it again.
1520016There are no remote servers defined.
1520116There are no remote logins for the remote server ‘%s’.
1520216There are no remote logins defined.
1520316There are no remote logins for ‘%s’.
1520416There are no remote logins for ‘%s’ on remote server ‘%s’.
1520516There are no servers defined.
1520616Invalid Remote Server Option: ‘%s’.
1520716The trusted option in remote login mapping is no longer supported.
1520816The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file is not valid or does not exist; or you do not have permissions for it.
1520916An error occurred during encryption.
1521216Invalid certificate subject. The certificate subject must have between 1 and %d characters.
1521316Warning: The certificate you created has an invalid validity period; its expiration date precedes its start date.
1521416Warning: The certificate you created is expired.
1521516Warning: The certificate you created is not yet valid; its start date is in the future.
1521616‘%s’ is not a valid option for the @delfile parameter.
1521716Property cannot be updated or deleted. Property ‘%.*ls’ does not exist for ‘%.*ls’.
1521816Object ‘%s’ is not a table.
1521916Cannot change the owner of an indexed view.
1522216Remote login option ‘%s’ is not unique.
1522311Error: The input parameter ‘%s’ is not allowed to be null.
1522411Error: The value for the @newname parameter contains invalid characters or violates a basic restriction (%s).
1522511No item by the name of ‘%s’ could be found in the current database ‘%s’, given that @itemtype was input as ‘%s’.
1522616Cannot create alias types from an XML datatype.
1522716The database ‘%s’ cannot be renamed.
1522916The argument specified for the “%.*ls” parameter of stored procedure sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format is not valid. Valid arguments are ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’.
1523016Error starting user instance. Error code: %d.
1523116The argument specified for the ‘%ls’ parameter of stored procedure ‘%ls’ is not valid. Valid arguments are ‘ON’, ‘OFF’, ‘TRUE’ and ‘FALSE’.
1523216A certificate with name ‘%s’ already exists or this certificate already has been added to the database.
1523316Property cannot be added. Property ‘%.*ls’ already exists for ‘%.*ls’.
1523416Objects of this type have no space allocated.
1523616Column ‘%s’ has no default.
1523716User data type ‘%s’ has no default.
1523816Column ‘%s’ has no rule.
1523916User data type ‘%s’ has no rule.
1524016Cannot write into file ‘%s’. Verify that you have write permissions, that the file path is valid, and that the file does not already exist.
1524116Usage: sp_dboption [dbname [,optname [,’true’ | ‘false’]]]
1524216Database option ‘%s’ is not unique.
1524316The option ‘%s’ cannot be changed for the master database.
1524416Only members of the sysadmin role or the database owner may set database options.
1524616Cannot dump the private key of certificate ‘%s’ because the private key cannot be found.
1524716User does not have permission to perform this action.
1524811Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (%s) is wrong.
1524911Error: Explicit @objtype ‘%s’ is unrecognized.
1525016The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name of the current database.
1525116Invalid ‘%s’ specified. It must be %s.
1525216The primary or foreign key table name must be given.
1525311Syntax error parsing SQL identifier ‘%s’.
1525416Users other than the database owner or guest exist in the database. Drop them before removing the database.
1525511‘%s’ is not a valid value for @autofix. The only valid value is ‘auto’.
1525616Usage: sp_certify_removable <dbname> [,’auto’]
1525716The database that you are attempting to certify cannot be in use at the same time.
1525816The database must be owned by a member of the sysadmin role before it can be removed.
1525916The DEFAULT_SCHEMA clause cannot be used with principals mapped to certificates or asymmetric keys.
1526016The format of the security descriptor string ‘%s’ is invalid.
1526116Usage: sp_create_removable <dbname>,<syslogical>,<sysphysical>,<syssize>,<loglogical>,<logphysical>,<logsize>,<datalogical1>,<dataphysical1>,<datasize1> [,<datalogical2>,<dataphysical2>,<datasize2>…<datalogical16>,<dataphysical16>,<datasize16>]
1526210Invalid file size entered. All files must be at least 1 MB.
1526316A SID in the security descriptor string ‘%s’ could not be found in an account lookup operation.
1526416Could not create the ‘%s’ portion of the database.
1526516An unexpected error has occurred in the processing of the security descriptor string ‘%s’.
1526616Cannot make ‘%s’ database removable.
1526716A security descriptor with name ‘%s’ already exists.
1526810Authentication mode is %s.
1526916Logical data device ‘%s’ not created.
1527116Invalid @with_log parameter value. Valid values are ‘true’ or ‘false’.
1527210The %s ‘%.*s’ is not trusted to execute.
1527310The decryption key is incorrect.
1527416Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted.
1527616Cannot provision master key passwords for system databases.
1527716The only valid @parameter_value values are ‘true’ or ‘false’.
1527816Login ‘%s’ is already mapped to user ‘%s’ in database ‘%s’.
1527916You must add the us_english version of this message before you can add the ‘%s’ version.
1528016All localized versions of this message must be dropped before the us_english version can be dropped.
1528110SQL Server blocked access to %S_MSG ‘%ls’ of component ‘%.*ls’ because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of ‘%.*ls’ by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling ‘%.*ls’, search for ‘%.*ls’ in SQL Server Books Online.
1528210A key with name ‘%.*ls’ or user defined unique identifier already exists or you do not have permissions to create it.
1528316The name ‘%s’ contains too many characters.
1528416The database principal has granted or denied permissions to objects in the database and cannot be dropped.
1528516The special word ‘%s’ cannot be used for a logical device name.
1528616Terminating this procedure. The @action ‘%s’ is unrecognized. Try ‘REPORT’, ‘UPDATE_ONE’, or ‘AUTO_FIX’.
1528716Terminating this procedure. ‘%s’ is a forbidden value for the login name parameter in this procedure.
1528810Please specify one decryptor to decrypt a key.
1528916Terminating this procedure. Cannot have an open transaction when this is run.
1529116Terminating this procedure. The %s name ‘%s’ is absent or invalid.
1529210The row for user ‘%s’ will be fixed by updating its login link to a login already in existence.
1529310Barring a conflict, the row for user ‘%s’ will be fixed by updating its link to a new login.
1529410The number of orphaned users fixed by adding new logins and then updating users was %d.
1529510The number of orphaned users fixed by updating users was %d.
1529616General cryptographic failure.
1529716The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key data is invalid.
1529916The signature of the public key is invalid.
1530011No recognized letter is contained in the parameter value for General Permission Type (%s). Valid letters are in this set: %s .
1530116Collation ‘%s’ is supported for Unicode data types only and cannot be set at either the database or server level.
1530211Database_Name should not be used to qualify owner.object for the parameter into this procedure.
1530311The “user options” config value (%d) was rejected because it would set incompatible options.
1530416The severity level of the ‘%s’ version of this message must be the same as the severity level (%ld) of the us_english version.
1530516The @TriggerType parameter value must be ‘insert’, ‘update’, or ‘delete’.
1530616Cannot change the compatibility level of replicated or distributed databases.
1530716Could not change the merge publish option because the server is not set up for replication.
1530916Cannot alter the trustworthy state of the model or tempdb databases.
1531016Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error updating server metadata.
1531116The file named ‘%s’ does not exist.
1531216The file named ‘%s’ is a primary file and cannot be removed.
1531310The key is not encrypted using the specified decryptor.
1531410Either no algorithm has been specified or the bitlength and the algorithm specified for the key are not available in this installation of this operating system.
1531510The key ‘%.*ls’ is not open. Please open the key before using it.
1531610Global temporary keys are not allowed. You can only use local temporary keys.
1531710The master key file does not exist or has invalid format.
1531810All fragments for database ‘%s’ on device ‘%s’ are now dedicated for log usage only.
1531917Error: DBCC DBREPAIR REMAP failed for database ‘%s’ (device ‘%s’).
1532016An error occurred while decrypting %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ that was encrypted by the old master key. The FORCE option can be used to ignore this error and continue the operation, but data that cannot be decrypted by the old master key will become unavailable.
1532116There was some problem removing ‘%s’ from sys.master_files.
1532210File ‘%s’ was removed from tempdb, and will take effect upon server restart.
1532316The selected index does not exist on table ‘%s’.
1532416The option %s cannot be changed for the ‘%s’ database.
1532516The current database does not contain a %s named ‘%ls’.
1532610No extended stored procedures exist.
1532710The database is now offline.
1532810The database is offline already.
1532916The current master key cannot be decrypted. If this is a database master key, you should attempt to open it in the session before performing this operation. The FORCE option can be used to ignore this error and continue the operation but the data encrypted by the old master key will be lost.
1533011There are no matching rows on which to report.
1533111The user ‘%s’ cannot take the action auto_fix due to duplicate SID.
1533210The private key is already set for this file. To change it you should drop and re-create the certificate.
1533311Error: The qualified @oldname references a database (%s) other than the current database.
1533410The %S_MSG has a private key that is protected by a user defined password. That password needs to be provided to enable the use of the private key.
1533511Error: The new name ‘%s’ is already in use as a %s name and would cause a duplicate that is not permitted.
1533616Object ‘%s’ cannot be renamed because the object participates in enforced dependencies.
1533710Caution: sys.sql_dependencies shows that other objects (views, procedures and so on) are referencing this object by its old name. These objects will become invalid, and should be dropped and re-created promptly.
1533910Creating ‘%s’.
1534210There is no private key provisioned for %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’.
1534310The username and/or password passed in is invalid or the current process does not have sufficient privileges.
1534416Ownership change for %S_MSG is not supported.
1534516An entity of type %S_MSG cannot be owned by a role, a group, or by principals mapped to certificates or asymmetric keys.
1534616Cannot change owner for an object that is owned by a parent object. Change the owner of the parent object instead.
1534716Cannot transfer an object that is owned by a parent object.
1534816Cannot transfer a schemabound object.
1534916Cannot transfer an MS Shipped object.
1535016An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file %.*ls failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
1535110The CLR procedure/function/type being signed refers to an assembly that is not signed either by a strong name or an assembly.
1535216The %S_MSG cannot be dropped because one or more entities are either signed or encrypted using it.
1535316An entity of type %S_MSG cannot be owned by a role, a group, an approle, or by principals mapped to certificates or asymmetric keys.
1535410Usage: sp_detach_db <dbname>, [TRUE|FALSE], [TRUE|FALSE]
1535616The current application role has been dropped. The current security context contains no valid database user context.
1535716The current security context was set by “%ls”. It cannot be reverted by statement “%ls”.
1535810User-defined filegroups should be made read-only.
1535916Cannot add functional unit ‘%.*ls’ to component ‘%.*ls’. This unit has been already registered with the component.
1536016An error occurred while trying to load the xpstar dll to read the agent proxy account from LSA.
1536116An error occurred while trying to read the SQLAgent proxy account credentials from the LSA.
1536216An error occurred while trying to create the ‘%.*ls’ credential.
1536416Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only an integrated connection can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1536516Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only members of Builtin\Users can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1536616Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to low memory. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1536716Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in generating a unique user instance name. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1536816Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in reading registry keys. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1536916Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in impersonating the client. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1537016Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in copying database files. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1537116Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in creating user instance event. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1537216Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1537316Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in obtaining the user instance’s process information. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1537416Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in persisting the user instance information into system catalog. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1537516Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in making a connection to the user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1537616Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only the SQL Server Express version lets you generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1537716Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error adding user to sysadmin role.
1537816Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error configuring system database entries in MASTER DB.
1538016Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error configuring system database paths in MASTER DB.
1538116Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in updating security descriptor on the process of the user instance.
1538216Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user’s local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
1538316Generating user instances in SQL Server is disabled. Use sp_configure ‘user instances enabled’ to generate user instances.%.*ls
1538416Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error updating Resource Manager ID.
1538516No database principal is defined for sid ‘%.*ls’.
1538616Another batch in the session is changing security context, new batch is not allowed to start.
1538711If the qualified object name specifies a database, that database must be the current database.
1538811There is no user table matching the input name ‘%s’ in the current database or you do not have permission to access the table.
1538911sp_indexoption is not supported for XML or spatial indexes. Use ALTER INDEX instead.
1539011Input name ‘%s’ does not have a matching user table or indexed view in the current database.
1539111sp_indexoption is not supported for XML Index and the table has an XML index on it. Use ALTER INDEX instead to set the option for ALL the indexes.
1539216The specified option ‘%s’ is not supported by this edition of SQL Server and cannot be changed using sp_configure.
1539316An error occurred while decrypting the password for linked login ‘%.*ls’ that was encrypted by the old master key. The FORCE option can be used to ignore this error and continue the operation but the data encrypted by the old master key will be lost.
1539416Collation ‘%s’ is not supported by the operating system
1539511The qualified old name could not be found for item type ‘%s’.
1539616An asymmetric key with name ‘%s’ already exists or this asymmetric key already has been added to the database.
1539716The %S_MSG is not protected by a password. A decryption password cannot be used for this operation.
1539811Only objects in the master database owned by dbo can have the startup setting changed.
1539911Could not change startup option because this option is restricted to objects that have no parameters.
1540111Windows NT user or group ‘%s’ not found. Check the name again.
1540211‘%s’ is not a fixed server role.
1540316The server principal “%.*ls” does not exist, does not have server access, or you do not have permission.
1540416Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user ‘%ls’, error code %#lx.
1540511Cannot use the special principal ‘%s’.
1540616Cannot execute as the server principal because the principal “%.*ls” does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.
1540711‘%s’ is not a valid Windows NT name. Give the complete name: <domain\username>.
1540816%ls cannot be called in this batch because a simultaneous batch has called it.
1540911‘%s’ is not a role.
1541011User or role ‘%s’ does not exist in this database.
1541111Database principal or schema ‘%s’ does not exist in this database.
1541211‘%s’ is not a known fixed role.
1541311Cannot make a role a member of itself.
1541416Cannot set compatibility level because database has a view or computed column that is indexed. These indexes require a SQL Server compatible database.
1541616Usage: sp_dbcmptlevel [dbname [, compatibilitylevel]]
1541816Only members of the sysadmin role or the database owner may set the database compatibility level.
1541916Supplied parameter sid should be binary(16).
1542016The group ‘%s’ does not exist in this database.
1542116The database principal owns a database role and cannot be dropped.
1542216Application roles can only be activated at the ad hoc level.
1542516No server principal is defined for sid ‘%.*ls’.
1542616You must specify a provider name with this set of properties.
1542716You must specify a provider name for unknown product ‘%ls’.
1542816You cannot specify a provider or any properties for product ‘%ls’.
1542916‘%ls’ is an invalid product name.
1543116You must specify the @rolename parameter.
1543216Stored procedure ‘%s’ can only be executed at the ad hoc level.
1543316Supplied parameter sid is in use.
1543416Could not drop login ‘%s’ as the user is currently logged in.
1543510Database successfully published.
1543610Database successfully enabled for subscriptions.
1543710Database successfully published using merge replication.
1543810Database is already online.
1543910Database is now online.
1544010Database is no longer published.
1544110Database is no longer enabled for subscriptions.
1544210Database is no longer enabled for merge publications.
1544310Checkpointing database that was changed.
1544816Encryption by the machine key cannot be added to the service master key because the service master key cannot be decrypted or does not exist.
1545010New language inserted.
1545116Dropping an encryption from the service master key failed. No encryption by the machine key exists.
1545210No alternate languages are available.
1545310us_english is always available, even though it is not in syslanguages.
1545410Language deleted.
1545516Adding an encryption to the service master key failed. An encryption by the machine key already exists.
1545710Configuration option ‘%ls’ changed from %ld to %ld. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
1545810Database removed.
1545910In the current database, the specified object references the following:
1546010In the current database, the specified object is referenced by the following:
1546110Object does not reference any object, and no objects reference it.
1546210File ‘%s’ closed.
1546310Device dropped.
1546416Unsupported private key format or key length.
1546516The private key password is invalid.
1546616An error occurred during decryption.
1546816An error occurred during the generation of the %S_MSG.
1546910No constraints are defined on object ‘%ls’, or you do not have permissions.
1547010No foreign keys reference table ‘%ls’, or you do not have permissions on referencing tables.
1547110The text for object ‘%ls’ is encrypted.
1547210The object ‘%ls’ does not have any indexes, or you do not have permissions.
1547416Invalid private key. The private key does not match the public key of the %S_MSG.
1547510The database is renamed and in single user mode.
1547710Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures.
1548216Cannot change the owner of a table that has an indexed view.
1549010The dependent aliases were also dropped.
1549710Could not add login using sp_addlogin (user = %s). Terminating this procedure.
1549910The dependent aliases were mapped to the new database owner.
1550010The dependent aliases were dropped.
1550210Setting database owner to SA.
1550310Giving ownership of all objects to the database owner.
1550410Deleting users except guest and the database owner from the system catalog.
1550516Cannot change owner of object ‘%ls’ or one of its child objects because the new owner ‘%ls’ already has an object with the same name.
1550616An error occurred while signing.
1550716A key required by this operation appears to be corrupted.
1550816An error occurred while generating a key required by this operation.
1550916The password cannot be dropped because another database may be using it.
1551016Cannot enable a login that has an empty password.
1551110Default bound to column.
1551210Default bound to data type.
1551310The new default has been bound to columns(s) of the specified user data type.
1551410Rule bound to table column.
1551510Rule bound to data type.
1551610The new rule has been bound to column(s) of the specified user data type.
1551716Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal “%.*ls” does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.
1551816Cannot execute as the Windows token. It is not valid, or you do not have permission.
1551910Default unbound from table column.
1552010Default unbound from data type.
1552110Columns of the specified user data type had their defaults unbound.
1552210Rule unbound from table column.
1552310Rule unbound from data type.
1552410Columns of the specified user data type had their rules unbound.
1552510sp_checknames is used to search for non 7-bit ASCII characters.
1552610in several important columns of system tables. The following
1552710columns are searched:
1552810    In master:
1552916Cannot execute as the ticket. It is not valid, or you do not have permission.
1553016The %S_MSG with name “%.*ls” already exists.
1553116The security descriptor information is not valid.
1553216The security descriptor is invalid because it does not contain information about its owner or about its primary group.
1553316Invalid data type is supplied in the ‘%ls’ statement.
1553416Cookie generation failed in the ‘%ls’ statement.
1553516Cannot set a credential for principal ‘%.*ls’.
1553610    In all databases:
1553716Login ‘%.*ls’ does not have access to server.
1553816Login ‘%.*ls’ does not have access to database.
1553916User ‘%s’ cannot be dropped, it can only be disabled. The user is already disabled in the current database.
1554016The identity string is too long. The identity string should contain no more than %d characters.
1554116Cannot drop the credential ‘%.*ls’ because it is used by a server principal.
1554210Cannot create a key without specifying an encryptor.
1555610Cannot decrypt or encrypt using the specified %S_MSG, either because it has no private key or because the password provided for the private key is incorrect.
1555710There is already a %S_MSG by %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’.
1555810Cannot drop %S_MSG by %S_MSG ‘%.*s’.
1555910Cannot drop %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ because there is a %S_MSG mapped to it.
1556010Cannot add or drop a signature on ‘%.*ls’ because only modules can be signed.
1556110Signatures based on certificates or asymmetric keys are the only options supported in this version of the product.
1556210The module being executed is not trusted. Either the owner of the database of the module needs to be granted authenticate permission, or the module needs to be digitally signed.
1556310The %S_MSG has no private key set for it.
1557410This object does not have any statistics.
1557510This object does not have any statistics or indexes.
1557616You cannot set network name on server ‘%ls’ because it is not a linked SQL Server.
1557710Warning: A linked server that refers to the originating server is not a supported scenario.  If you wish to use a four-part name to reference a local table, please use the actual server name rather than an alias.
1557816There is already a master key in the database. Please drop it before performing this statement.
1557916Adding an encryption to the symmetric key failed. An encryption by the same %S_MSG ‘%.*s’ may already exist.
1558016Cannot drop %S_MSG because %S_MSG ‘%.*s’ is encrypted by it.
1558116Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation.
1558310The module being signed is marked to execute as owner. If the owner changes the signature will not be valid.
1558410An error occurred while decrypting %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ that was encrypted by the old master key. The error was ignored because the FORCE option was specified.
1558510The current master key cannot be decrypted. The error was ignored because the FORCE option was specified.
1558616Error in synchronizing system certificates between master and resource database.
1558716Cannot change owner of Assembly ‘%.*ls’ since dependent assembly ‘%.*ls’ is not owned by the new owner.
1558810The old and new master keys are identical. No data re-encryption is required.
1558916Cannot revert the current security context because the cookie is invalid.
1559016Can only use the ‘No Revert’ or ‘Cookie’ options with the ‘Execute As’ statement at the adhoc level.
1559116The current security context cannot be reverted using this statement. A cookie may or may not be needed with ‘Revert’ statement depending on how the context was set with ‘Execute As’ statement.
1559216Cannot unset application role because none was set or the cookie is invalid.
1559316An error occurred while decrypting the password for linked login ‘%.*ls’ that was encrypted by the old master key. The error was ignored because the FORCE option was specified.
1559416The password is already provisioned for the database ‘%.*ls’
1559516The password cannot be dropped because it is not provisioned for the database ‘%.*ls’
1559610Warning: use of a UNIQUE index, PRIMARY KEY constraint, or UNIQUE constraint on a table with row-level security can allow information disclosure.
1559710Warning: use of an IDENTITY column on a table with row-level security can allow information disclosure.
1559810Warning: use of an indexed view on a table with row-level security can allow information disclosure.
1559910Auditing and permissions can’t be set on local temporary objects.
1560015An invalid parameter or option was specified for procedure ‘%s’.
1560116Full-Text Search is not enabled for the current database. Use sp_fulltext_database to enable Full-Text Search. The functionality to disable and enable full-text search for a database is deprecated. Please change your application.
1561216DBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not made read-only.
1561516DBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not made single user.
1562210No permission to access database ‘%s’.
1562510Option ‘%ls’ not recognized for ‘%ls’ parameter.
1562610You attempted to acquire a transactional application lock without an active transaction.
1562710sp_dboption command failed.
1563516Cannot execute ‘%ls’ because the database is in read-only access mode.
1564516Column ‘%ls’ does not exist.
1564616Column ‘%ls’ is not a computed column.
1564710No views with schema binding reference table ‘%ls’.
1565010Updating %s
1565110    %d index(es)/statistic(s) have been updated, %d did not require update.
1565210    %s has been updated…
1565310    %s, update is not necessary…
1565410Table %s: cannot perform the operation on the table because its clustered index is disabled.
1565616Cannot create user defined types from XML data type.
1565716Vardecimal storage format is not available in system database ‘%s’.
1565816Cannot run sp_resetstatus against a database snapshot.
1565916The schema ‘%ls’ specified for parameter schema_name does not exist.
1566016Compressing XML, spatial, columnstore or hash indexes is not supported by the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings.
1566116Compressing temporary tables is not supported by the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings.
1566216Compressing tables with sparse columns or column sets is not supported by the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings.
1566316Feature “sp_addserver” is no longer supported. Replace remote servers by using linked servers.
1566416Cannot set key ‘%ls’ in the session context. The key has been set as read_only for this session.
1566516The value was not set for key ‘%ls’ because the total size of keys and values in the session context would exceed the 1 MB limit.
1566616Cannot set key ‘%ls’ in the session context. The size of the key cannot exceed 256 bytes.
1566716Reset session context is not allowed when a another batch is active in session.
1566810No edge constraints reference table ‘%ls’, or you do not have permissions on referencing tables.
1570116Statement %.*ls failed, because it attempted to set the Automatic Tuning option %.*ls multiple times.
1570216Cannot perform action because Automatic Tuning cannot be enabled on system database %.*ls.
1570310Setting Automatic Tuning option %.*ls to %.*ls for database %.*ls.
1570416Automatic Tuning option %.*ls is disabled by system.
1570516Automatic Tuning option %.*ls cannot be enabled, because Query Store is not turned on.
1570616Automatic Tuning option %.*ls cannot be enabled, because Query Store is in READ_ONLY mode.
1570716Automatic Tuning is available only in the Enterprise and Developer editions of SQL Server.
1570816Invalid automatic tuning option name.
1570916Invalid automatic tuning option state.
1571016Invalid database tuning mode string.
1571116Cannot acquire shared lock over the database.
1571216Invalid server tuning mode.
1571316Cannot acquire update lock over the database.
1571416Cannot execute stored procedure on this database type.
1571516Setting Automatic Tuning option %.*ls to DEFAULT is not allowed while in CUSTOM database tuning mode for database %.*ls.
1571615Only one Automatic Tuning option can be given in ALTER DATABASE statement.
1571716Requested automatic tuning configuration is not supported or parameters are invalid.
1571816Automatic tuning dependancy not met (%ls).
1571914User does not have necessary permissions (%ls) on current database to execute the stored procedure.
1572016Setting Automatic Tuning option to DEFAULT is not allowed while in CUSTOM server tuning mode for server %.*ls.
1580116Initialization of external distributed computation library failed.
1580216Request to perform an external distributed computation has failed with error “%s”.
1580316FORMATFILE option cannot be used to read distributed files. You can either remove it to try determining schema from data files, or use WITH clause of OPENROWSET instead to define schema inline.
1580416Could not load external library ‘%s’.
1580516An error occurred while calling to external library ‘%ls’. HRESULT = ‘0x%x’.’
1580610Statement ID: %s | Query hash: %s | Distributed request ID: %s
1580716Provided statement is not supported.
1580816Schema cannot be determined from data files for file format ‘%.*ls’. Please use WITH clause of OPENROWSET to define schema.
1580916No files found matching the name pattern(s) ‘%ls’.
1581016Error trying to retrieve schema from the data file ‘%.*ls’. Make sure the file matches the ‘%.*ls’ format.
1581116No columns found in the data file ‘%ls’.
1581216Number of columns in the data file ‘%ls’ exceeds the maximum of %d.
1581316Error reading external file: ‘%s’.
1581416Column ‘%s’ of type ‘%s’ is not compatible with external data type ‘%s’.
1581516External data type ‘%s’ is currently not supported.
1581616Query shape is not supported.
1581710This stored procedure is available only in Polaris.
1581810%.*ls input argument should be a query text in the following form: ‘SELECT col FROM OPENROWSET(BULK)’.%hs%hs
1581916File statistics encountered an error with global statistics table. Table does not exist or it is corrupted.
1582016File statistics for column ‘%.*ls’ cannot be dropped because they do not exist. Please, correct sp_drop_file_statistics OPENROWSET query argument to make sure that you specify the same OPENROWSET options, as when the sp_create_file_statistics was called.
1582116File statistics for column ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because they already exist.
1582210An internal error occurred.
1582316The filepath function requires 0 arguments or exactly 1 constant integer value argument.
1582416Filepath function argument(s) out of range.
1582516Filepath function prefix ‘%s’ does not match the alias name or function argument is out of range.
1582616Filename function prefix ‘%s’ does not match the alias name.
1582716The filename function requires 0 arguments.
1582816The filepath function requires 0 to 1 arguments.
1582916The name, ‘%s’, is invalid. The prefix ‘RESOLVED_WILDCARD_VIRTUAL_COLUMN_’ is reserved.
1583010Provided expression does not match any known RWVC.
1583116File statistics for column ‘%.*ls’ do not exist. Please, correct sp_show_file_statistics OPENROWSET query argument to make sure that you specify the same OPENROWSET options, as when the sp_create_file_statistics was called.
1583216Internal error number %d encountered while creating statistics.
1583316Create/drop/show stats operations are currently not supported for queries that use schema inference.
1583916‘%ls’ is not supported by data_export.
1590116Query not supported: Cannot determine result column sources.
1590216Query not supported: Cannot determine result column sources.
1590316Query not supported: Cannot determine result column sources.
1590416Query not supported: Cannot determine result column sources.

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