Do you want to influence the future of Windows Phone ?
Here’s an Official Repository of all your Windows Phone Feedback and feature requests called Suggestion Box .
“This is something I know many of you have been clamoring for. Now you don’t have to wonder whether your tweets and blog comments are getting through to the team. Suggestion Box not only lets you steer feedback directly to the folks who actually design and build Windows Phone—but also vote on and debate other people’s pet projects.” states Michael Stroh in the Windows Team Blog
Some of the popular feature requests in the Suggestion Box includes
- Enable all(bing) features for non US-countries
- arabic language support
- Screenshot Support
- Device Backup
- Swiping left from home screen shoule show list of missed text message notifications
- Enable USB Storage
- and more…
So , how about getting your ideas or feature requests for Windows Phone directly to Microsoft ? , Visit the provide one
via Provide feedback for Windows Phone 8 Features via Suggestion Box