In this article, you will see about the Installation and setup of Java JDK –Java Developer Kit. JDK contains a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), a private Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and a few other resources such as an interpreter/loader (java), a compiler (javac), an archiver (jar), a documentation generator (Javadoc).
Installation of Java
For the successful installation of java in your desktop/laptop, you need to install Java JDK and Java JRE. To install Java JDK, follow the below steps:
- Search for Java JDK on your browser. or visit An oracle page will open, in that you can find all the archives related to java. The latest version will be shown in the top.

- In that, click JDK Download which in-turn redirects you to another page, where you can choose the JDK file depending on your platform.

- For windows users, click windows x64 installer (download the .exe file).
- Accept the terms and conditions and click download.

- Java JDK is successfully downloaded for Windows X64 bit.Install the downloaded file by following the steps in the file.
Installation of Java JDK
- Search for Java JRE on your browser or click this link

- In this, click on the required package. If you are using a 32 bit processor then select windows x86 and if you are using 64bit processor then select Windows x64 file.
- You will be redirected to the downloading page, accept the terms and conditions and click download.Once the download is complete, click install or double click the file.A menu pops-up. Click install.

- Within seconds you can see that Java JRE is installed successfully.

Java Editors
A Java IDE is an Integrated Development Environment for programming in Java. IDEs basically supports editing, debugging, compiling and interpreting the code/script. After installing the Java JDK and JRE you can either access it using the command prompt or you can use an offline IDE. Some of the commonly used IDEs for Java are NetBeans, Eclipse and Notepad etc.
NetBeans or Apache NetBeans is a commonly used open source IDE for Java programming. It supports Java, JavaScript, PHP, HTML5, CSS and many other languages.
Eclipse IDE is yet another open source IDE which supports Java programming. Unlike NetBeans, Eclipse can handle much larger projects and it is more customisable.
Online Editors for Java
There are many online editors/compilers for Java programming. One of the most user friendly and highly efficient online compiler is
It is absolutely free and this IDE allows the developers to try out more than 60+ languages without having to install these software’s on their machines.
You can check it here, by clicking this link