Installing Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone

What is Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone ?

Silverlight toolkit for Windows Phone is a opensource framework which provides additional controls for the developing Windows Phone Applictaion apart from the standard Windows Phone controls .

These controls are available for download including the sourcecode which is Microsoft Public Licensed and can be downloaded


Currently , the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone includes the following controls

  • AutoCompleteBox
  • ContextMenu
  • DatePicker
  • DateTimeConverters
  • DatePicker
  • ExpanderView
  • GestureService/GestureListener
  • HeaderedItemsControl
  • HubTile
  • ListPicker
  • LocalizedResources
  • LockablePivot
  • LongListSelector
  • MultiselectList
  • Page Transitions
  • PerformanceProgressBar
  • PhoneTextBox
  • TiltEffect
  • TimePicker
  • ToggleSwitch
  • WrapPanel

The installation process of the Silverlight toolkit for Windows Phone is fairly simple .

1. Download Silverlight Toolkit from Codeplex site

2. Double click the downloaded setup file to start the installation .

3. In the Setup start screen , accept the license agreement and click Install

Installing Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone
Installing Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone

4. This will start the installation of the SIlverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone .

Installing Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone
Installing Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone

5. With in few seconds , the installation of the silverlight toolkit should be complete . Click finish to close the Window .

Installing Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone
Installing Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone

6. You will find the Windows Phone Toolkit installed in the following folder of your system .

“C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev7.1ToolkitAug11” .

Note that i am using 64 bit machine and hence this path is used to save the files . 

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