How to Open the Application Manifest file for Windows Phone 8 in XML Editor?

In one of my previous blog post, I explained about the new feature in the Windows Phone 8 SDK – Graphical Manifest Designer that lets the developers to graphically edit the Windows Phone Application Manifest file.

The Graphical Manifest Designer or editor is a great tool which is integrated in the Visual Studio 2012 and helps the developers to edit the Manifest file without touching the raw XML file.

But sometimes, the developers would like to view the XML file and edit it manually instead of using the Manifest Designer, they can do that by opening the WMAppManifest.xml in the XML editor instead and start modifying them.

How to Open the Application Manifest file for Windows Phone 8 in XML Editor?

To open the Application Manifest file for Windows Phone 8 in the XML Editor, right click on the WMAppManifest.xml and click the View code button in the context menu.

If the WMAppManifest.xml is already open in the designer, you will be prompted with a confirmation message if you want to close it. Click “Yes” and proceed.

This will open the WMAppManifest.xml in the XML editor.

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