How to Create Splash Screen in Windows Phone ?

Splash Screen makes your App look good when it is loading initially . It might be a good idea to have a splash screen specially for the apps that takes some time to load.

How to Create Splash Screen in Windows Phone ?

You can create Splash Screen in Windows Phone in 2 ways

1. Use static splash screen image

2. Create a animated splash screen

By default , when a Windows Phone project(Silverlight) is created , SplashScreenimage.jpg file is created ans placed in the project folder.

You can replace this image with your image with the same size (480*800) pixels and setting the Build Action property to “Content”.

You can also create a animated splash screen by following the below steps

1. In the existing Windows Phone Project , create a new user control . Ex : SplashScreen.xaml

2. Declare BackgroundWorker and Popup objects . BackgroundWorker class is defined in the namespace System.ComponentModel; and PopUp class is defined in the namespace System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.

3. In the MainPage.xaml , Specify the Popup page to the SplashScreen usercontrol and set IsOpen property to true . Thsi will make sure that the splash screen is shown . After some time , when the RunWorkerCompleted event is triggtered , the popup is closed and the MainPage.xaml is shown.

public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
{         // Constructor
BackgroundWorker BackgroundWork;
Popup pop;
public MainPage()
pop = new Popup();
pop.IsOpen = true;
pop.Child = new SplashScreen();
BackgroundWork = new BackgroundWorker();
radAutoCompleteBox1.SuggestionsSource = Data.GetSuggestions();
private void RunProcess()
BackgroundWork.RunWorkerCompleted += ((r, args) => { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { this.pop.IsOpen = false; }); });
BackgroundWork.DoWork += ((r, args) => { Thread.Sleep(1000); });

You can also add some kind of animation in the SplashScreen.xaml user control to make it more appealing …


  1. jason
    April 29, 2012

    hi,i don’t think so,i normal run,plz check ur code.
    so,i have a question:
    how to change splashscreen.jpg is not run when app is running?
    It’s running,that i write ur code in my project,
    so,what i do?

  2. April 29, 2012

    Sry , did not understand your question … Can you elaborate a bit more ?

  3. Tony Tallman
    April 30, 2012

    jason, you have to delete the SplashScreen.jpg file if you don’t want it to be displayed.

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