Extract List from a String in JavaScript

Assume that you have a string that contains few statements out of which one includes the list of items. You may want to extract the list based on some delimitter.

Eg : The sentence contains the following ‘List of actors in Tamil Cinema: Vijay , Ajith , Suriya.’

We may need to extract the name of the actors Vijay , Ajth , Suriya from the sentence assuming that the list begins with colon and ends with a period.

How to extract a list from a string in JavaScript ?

Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating the usage of the indexof and split methods of the string to extract a list from a string in javascript.

    var input = 'List of actors in Tamil Cinema: Vijay , Ajith , Suriya.';
    var startingIndex = input.indexOf(':');
    var endIndex = input.indexOf('.');
    var actorsStr = input.substring(startingIndex + 1, endIndex);
    var actorsList = actorsStr.split(',');


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