Double Wide Tiles in Windows Phone

If you noticed the Windows Phone start screen , you will find that there are few double wide tiles there .

These include

  • Calender
  • Pictures
  • HTC Weather App Tile ( HTC Phones ) if installed .

One of the tiles that provides double wide tiles when pinned to the Start Screen is the Music + Videos Hub . When you pin an artist to your Windows Phone Start Screen which will place a double wide tile on your Start Screen for the Start Screen .

Double Wide Tiles in Windows Phone
Double Wide Tiles in Windows Phone

If you are a developer and want to have a Double Wide Tiles for your App , currently , this is not possible . The double wide tiles in Windows Phone is currently available only for Microsoft and partners .

Here’s the description from MSDN on this

Windows Phone devices come with some Start Tiles already installed by Microsoft and its mobile operator and hardware manufacturer partners. These Tiles consistently follow the Metro style. Double-width Tiles are available only to Microsoft and its partners.

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