Delphi Compiler Error
E2081 Assignment to FOR-Loop variable ‘%s’
Reason for the Error & Solution
It is illegal to assign a value to the for loop control variable inside the for loop.
If the purpose is to leave the loop prematurely, use a break or goto statement.
program Produce; var I: Integer; A: array [0..99] of Integer; begin for I := 0 to 99 do begin if A[I] = 42 then I := 99; end; end.
In this case, the programmer thought that assigning 99 to I would cause the program to exit the loop.
program Solve; var I: Integer; A: array [0..99] of Integer; begin for I := 0 to 99 do begin if A[I] = 42 then Break; end; end.
Using a break statement is a cleaner way to exit out of a for loop.