Delphi Error – E2034 Too many actual parameters

Delphi Compiler Error

E2034 Too many actual parameters

Reason for the Error & Solution

This error message occurs when a procedure or function call gives more parameters than the procedure or function declaration specifies.

Additionally, this error message occurs when an OLE automation call has too many (more than 255), or too many named parameters.

program Produce;

function Max(A,B: Integer): Integer;
  if A > B then Max := A else Max := B

  Writeln( Max(1,2,3) );   (*<-- Error message here*)

It would have been convenient for Max to accept three parameters…

program Solve;

function Max(const A: array of Integer): Integer;
  I: Integer;
  Result := Low(Integer);
  for I := 0 to High(A) do
    if Result < A[I] then
      Result := A[I];

  Writeln( Max([1,2,3]) );

Normally, you would change to call site to supply the right number of parameters. Here, we have chose to show you how to implement Max with an unlimited number of arguments. Note that now you have to call it in a slightly different way.


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