DB2 Error Code – -818 the precompiler generated timestamp x in the load module is different from the bind timestamp y built from the dbrm z

In this post, you’ll learn about the error message -818 the precompiler generated timestamp x in the load module is different from the bind timestamp y built from the dbrm z in the IBM DB2 database , the reason why it occurs along with the solution to fix it

IBM DB2 Error Message

-818 the precompiler generated timestamp x in the load module is different from the bind timestamp y built from the dbrm z

Reason for the Error

Plan and program: timestamp mismatch

The SQL precompiler places timestamp ‘y’ in the DBRM, and time stamp ‘x’ in the parameter list in the application program for each SQL statement.� At BIND time, DB2 stores the DBRM timestamp for run time use.� At run time, timestamp ‘x’, for the SQL statement being processed,is compared with timestamp ‘y’ derived from the DBRM ‘z’ at BIND time.� If the two timestamps do not match, the DBRM and the application program were not the result of the same precompile. This problem can occur if you:� *�� Precompile, compile, and link, without doing a BIND of the application, *�� Precompile and BIND, without doing the compile and link for the application program, or *�� BIND the application using a DBRM that resulted from a different precompile of the application program than that which produced the object module that is linked into the application module. The timestamps ‘x’ and ‘y’ are DB2 internal timestamps.� They do not have an external interpretation.


Recompile and BIND the application again, using the DBRM for the application program that matches the object module.


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