In this post, you’ll learn about the error message -671 the bufferpool attribute of the tablespace cannot be altered as specified because it would change the page size of the tablespace in the IBM DB2 database , the reason why it occurs along with the solution to fix it
IBM DB2 Error Message
-671 the bufferpool attribute of the tablespace cannot be altered as specified because it would change the page size of the tablespace
Reason for the Error
The change to the buffer pool attribute for the table space specified in the ALTER TABLESPACE statement would change the page size of the table space� either from 4K to 32K bytes, or vice versa. Use of the ALTER TABLESPACE statement to change the page size of a table space is not permitted.
If the table space uses one of the 4K byte buffer pools (for example, BP0, BP1, or BP2), it can be reassigned to one of the other 4K byte buffer pools (but not buffer pool BP32K).� If, however, it is assigned to buffer pool BP32K, the buffer pool assignment cannot be subsequently altered.