In this post, you’ll learn about the error message -536 the delete statement is invalid because table table name can be affected by the operation in the IBM DB2 database , the reason why it occurs along with the solution to fix it
IBM DB2 Error Message
-536 the delete statement is invalid because table table name can be affected by the operation
Reason for the Error
A DELETE operation with the indicated table referenced in a subquery was attempted.If ‘T’ is the object table of the DELETE, the indicated table is one of the following: *�� A dependent of ‘T’ in a relationship with a delete rule of CASCADE or SET NULL *�� A dependent of another table in a relationship with a delete rule of CASCADE or SET NULL in which deletions from ‘T’ can cascade to that table.
Do not attempt to reference a table in a subquery of a DELETE statement when the table can be affected by the DELETE statement.