In this post, you’ll learn about the error message -204 name is an undefined name in the IBM DB2 database , the reason why it occurs along with the solution to fix it
IBM DB2 Error Message
-204 name is an undefined name
Reason for the Error
The object identified by ‘name’ is not defined in the DB2 subsystem.� This return code can be generated for any type of DB2 object. This return code is issued when an alias is used and the table the alias is defined on does not exist.� When you create an alias, you will get a warning message that the table does not exist.� When you use the alias, you will see this message.
Determine that the DB2 CREATOR or OBJECT NAME was correctly specified in the SQL statement (including any required qualifiers).� If so, ensure that the object exists in the system before resubmitting the statement.