C# Error CS1729 – ‘{0}’ does not contain a constructor that takes {1} arguments

C# Error

CS1729 – ‘{0}’ does not contain a constructor that takes {1} arguments

Reason for the Error & Solution

‘type’ does not contain a constructor that takes ‘number’ arguments.

This error occurs when you either directly or indirectly invoke the constructor of a class but the compiler cannot find any constructors with the same number of parameters. In the following example, the test class has no constructors that take any arguments. It therefore has only a parameterless constructor that takes zero arguments. Because in the second line in which the error is generated, the derived class declares no constructors of its own, the compiler provides a parameterless constructor. That constructor invokes a parameterless constructor in the base class. Because the base class has no such constructor, CS1729 is generated.

To correct this error

  1. Adjust the number of parameters in the call to the constructor.

  2. Modify the class to provide a constructor with the parameters you must call.

  3. Provide a parameterless constructor in the base class.


The following example generates CS1729:

// cs1729.cs  
class Test  
    static int Main()  
        // Class Test has only a parameterless constructor, which takes no arguments.  
        Test test1 = new Test(2); // CS1729  
        // The following line resolves the error.  
        Test test2 = new Test();  
        // Class Parent has only one constructor, which takes two int parameters.  
        Parent exampleParent1 = new Parent(10); // CS1729  
        // The following line resolves the error.  
        Parent exampleParent2 = new Parent(10, 1);  
        return 1;  
public class Parent  
    // The only constructor for this class has two parameters.  
    public Parent(int i, int j) { }  
// The following declaration causes a compiler error because class Parent  
// does not have a constructor that takes no arguments. The declaration of  
// class Child2 shows how to resolve this error.  
public class Child : Parent { } // CS1729  
public class Child2 : Parent  
    // The constructor for Child2 has only one parameter. To access the
    // constructor in Parent, and prevent this compiler error, you must provide
    // a value for the second parameter of Parent. The following example provides 0.  
    public Child2(int k)  
        : base(k, 0)  
        // Add the body of the constructor here.  

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