C# Error CS0762 – Cannot create delegate from method ‘{0}’ because it is a partial method without an implementing declaration

C# Error

CS0762 – Cannot create delegate from method ‘{0}’ because it is a partial method without an implementing declaration

Reason for the Error & Solution

Cannot create delegate from method ‘method’ because it is a partial method without an implementing declaration

A partial method is not required to have an implementing declaration. However, a delegate does require that its encapsulated method have an implementation.

To correct this error

  1. Provide an implementation for the method that is used to initialize the delegate.


public delegate void TestDel();  
    public partial class C  
        partial void Part();  
        public static int Main()  
            C c = new C();  
            TestDel td = new TestDel(c.Part); // CS0762  
            return 1;  

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