C# Compiler Error
CS0060 – Inconsistent accessibility: base class ‘class1’ is less accessible than class ‘class2’
Reason for the Error
You would receive this error when you have a in-consistent access-modifiers between the child class (inherited) and the base class.
For example, try compiling the below code snippet.
class Employee { } public class PartTimeEmployee : Employee { } public class DeveloperPublish { public static void Main() { } }
This will result with the compiler error because the Employee class is defined as private and is the base class for PartTimeEmployee.

Error CS0060 Inconsistent accessibility: base class ‘Employee’ is less accessible than class ‘PartTimeEmployee’
Ensure that the type that you are using for the base class is public. You can set the access-modifier of the Employee class to public to fix this error.