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In this Python program, we will generate Gray codes using recursion. Gray code is a binary numeral system where two...
In this Python program, we will convert a binary number to its corresponding Gray code. The Gray code is a...
This Python program generates the Fibonacci series without using recursion. It calculates and displays the first n Fibonacci numbers using...
This Python program uses recursion to generate the first n Fibonacci numbers and displays them in a list. Program Statement...
This Python program finds all perfect squares within a given range (inclusive) and displays them as a list. A perfect...
In this Python program, we will create a Python script to check whether a given number is prime or not....
This C program calculates and displays the upper triangular matrix of a given square matrix. An upper triangular matrix is...
This C program compares two strings entered by the user and determines their relationship based on lexicographical order. Problem statement...
This C program counts the number of unique words in a given string. It tokenizes the input string, converts it...
Intro This C program demonstrates how to delete an element from an array. It prompts the user to enter an...
This C program calculates the area of a trapezium based on the user’s input of the lengths of its two...
Intro This C program calculates the volume and surface area of a cylinder using its radius and height. It demonstrates...
This C program calculates the area of a rhombus using the lengths of its diagonals. It demonstrates a function to...
This C program shows how you can to Find Area of a Right Angled Triangle. Problem statement Write a C...
This C program calculates the volume and surface area of a cone based on the provided radius and height. Problem...
In this C program, we first provide an introduction to the converter. Then we state the problem, which is to...
In this C program, the introduction section provides a brief overview of the purpose of the program. It states that...
This C program first introduces itself as a “Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter”. It then provides a brief problem statement, explaining...
Floyd’s Triangle is a triangular number pattern named after Robert Floyd. It is a right-angled triangle where the numbers are...
This C program converts a hexadecimal number to its binary representation. It takes a hexadecimal number as input and produces...

