5 Analytics API for Windows Phone Apps

Do you want to keep track of the App statistics, analyze the most frequently used pages or features in your Windows Phone App ?

If yes , below are 5 different Analytics API for Windows Phone Apps.

1. Microsoft Silverlight Analytics Framework

Microsoft Silverlight Analytics Framework is an extensible Web Analytics Framework for Microsoft Silverlight, WPF, and Windows Phone 7 Applications.

2. Analytics & Protection for Windows Phone by Preemptive Solutions

Analyze, optimize, and secure your Windows Phone 7 applications with the Analytics & Protection for Windows Phone by Preemptive Solutions.

3. Flurry

Another Analytics solution for Mobile platform. Flurry currently supports iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Java ME and HTML5.


mtiks provides free Mobile App Analytics to developers to better understand their app usage. It currently supports iOS, Windows Phone, Android, BlackBerry etc.

5. Google Analytics for Windows Phone

Gets the Google Analytics for Windows Phone working for your Windows Phone Apps using the nuget package based on Microsoft Silverlight Analytics Framework


  1. Henrik
    June 26, 2012

    What about localytics.com?

    iPhone/iPad, Android,
    Windows Phone, BlackBerry, HTML5

  2. June 26, 2012

    Thanks Henrik for letting me know about localytics 🙂

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