HomeOracleOracle Error SQL*Loader-00296: Bind variable string for column string is ambiguous.

Oracle Error SQL*Loader-00296: Bind variable string for column string is ambiguous.

Oracle Error Message

SQL*Loader-00296: Bind variable string for column string is ambiguous.

Reason for the Error

A bind variable can only refer to one column in the control file. Current load could not continue due to ambiguous column references.


Fix the bind variable. If this bind variable consists of quotes, check that the quotes are used correctly. For example, the old quoting rule of bind variables consisting of full object attribute names was incorrect because it can lead to ambiguous column references. Let’s say we have an expression “LTRIM(:”A.B.C”)”. Using the old quoting rule, this bind variable can refer to object attribute columns ‘”A”.”B”.”C”‘, ‘”A.B”.C’, and ‘”A”.”B.C”‘. To avoid this confusion, use the new quoting rule for object attribute bind variables, which is to quote each attribute name independently as needed. In the preceding example, if the intended object attribute column is ‘A.B.C’, then the expression rewritten as “LTRIM(:A.B.C)” or “LTRIM(:”A”.”B”.”C”) will not lead to ambiguities.


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